Saturday, September 18, 2021

Valley News – Forum, Sept. 18: Executive Council’s vote jeopardized women’s health

The vote of the Executive Board puts the health of women at risk

All four Republican Executive Board members voted to lift Planned Parenthood here in New Hampshire. Planned Parenthood provides affordable health services to people who are uninsured, and as a result of the council action, there are more unwanted pregnancies and likely more abortions here at Granite State.

Women who do not receive adequate care are at higher risk of untreated breast and other cancers, as well as a whole host of diseases currently being discovered by Planned Parenthood’s medical services.

The voice of our Executive Councilor, Joe Kenney, makes us angry. He ruthlessly endangered hundreds of his constituents for no good reason, for no good reason. He is an elderly male incumbent and, in our opinion, has no right to endanger the health and well-being of women in his district. We will not forget what he did.



We have to react quickly to climate change

The recent report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change notes that if we act quickly, there will still be a window of opportunity to prevent the worst effects of climate change. The report also made it clear that if we keep pumping carbon into the atmosphere, our planet will become irrevocably uninhabitable in the decades to come and everything we care about will be lost.

If someone we love was hit by a car, we would run at superhuman speed to save them. We wouldn’t stand by just because we had a chance not to get to them in time. And yet most of us are passive in the face of the climate emergency: when our house is not flooded or burned, we cling to the normality that remains. This may make us feel better right now, but it is suicidal and murderous behavior at the same time.

Instead, what if we try our best to save our planet? Take 10 minutes today to call the president and your senators and officials asking them to fight for an infrastructure bill that will fully fund a civilian climate corps. The Civilian Climate Corps would do the work that would quickly convert us to clean energy – energy made from the sun, geothermal or wind, rather than burning things like fossil fuels or trees.

When you call your leaders, you are also asking them to get rid of the filibuster, a relic from the Jim Crow era that prevents the Senate from advocating the will and welfare of the majority of Americans. (The filibuster is one of the main obstacles to climate protection.) And please join national organizations working for climate justice like, Greenpeace, Sunrise Youth Movement or local organizations like Rights and Democracy and New Hampshire Youth Movement.

Hiding from pain is a temporary ointment, but it doesn’t feel nearly as good as activism to save the planet and the people we love.



The author is a member of Rights and Democracy.

The clean electricity program is key

Fires and drought on the west coast. Temperatures well over 100 degrees in Portland and Seattle. Hurricanes cause flooding from Louisiana through New Jersey and New York. Flash floods in Tennessee and Germany. Destructive storms in the Midwest. The climate has changed and will change a lot more if we don’t do anything about greenhouse gases.

We now have the opportunity to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Congress is considering a clean electricity payment program to ensure that 80% of the electricity the US produces is from clean sources by 2030, helping the world avoid the worst effects of climate change.

The program would also have public health benefits as particulate matter generated across the country blows into New Hampshire. (The beautiful sunsets we got were thanks to the forest fires on the west coast.)

Ask Congress to adopt a clean energy incentive program this fall. Switching to clean energy would create jobs across the country, including here in New Hampshire. Sen. Maggie Hassan, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Rep. Annie Kuster will play a vital role in determining our climate future, and they should support the Clean Electricity Payment Program and fund the climate regulations in the bipartisan infrastructure plan and reconciliation package.



It is not a compulsory vaccination plan

Over the past week, I’ve received several unsolicited emails asking me to protect a person’s physical integrity from a forced vaccination designed to protect the sender from COVID-19. I have also seen American flags and signs calling for the constitutional right to refuse to be vaccinated.

However, there is no compulsory vaccination program against COVID-19, neither by the federal nor by the state government. Forced vaccination is required in every state of children enrolled in a school program, with a state requirement that all students attend school. Forced vaccination is the vaccination that is required for all members of the military if military service was required, which required all men of age 18 and over to be drafted.

What has now been ordered by President Joe Biden is a condition for those who choose a job that employs 100 or more people to be vaccinated or tested regularly, and that all federal employees be vaccinated. These employees are free not to do this work, just as they may choose not to work in a job that requires wearing a uniform, holding a driver’s license, passing a health test, etc.

The only right implied by President Biden’s Vaccination Ordinance is the right of the vast majority of people to be free from the risk of those who choose not to be vaccinated. If Darwin was right, the already small minority of those who oppose vaccination will unfortunately become even smaller in the next few months. Sad.


Weather field

Stop the threat to our democracy

War was waged against our democracy; It is up to every citizen to fight to be saved. As? Donate generously, forget about the “don’t talk about politics” rule and do something about it. We have to be better than the Greatest Generation, because our democracy has never been so endangered – neighbors fight against neighbors. Most of us baby boomers didn’t serve in Vietnam; It is time for us to serve now.

We must stop the worst threat to our democracy in our country’s history – Americans fight Americans. Hate, lies, fraud, hypocrisy, racism, bullying and anarchy cannot prevail. To those who voted on this great threat and now know what was done, don’t just sit back and say it’s not your fault. Dig deep and donate to end voter suppression and remove from office those who pose the greatest threat.



Recordings show that Reagan was racist

James Dwinell’s most recent forum letter (“Going where the votes are,” 9 September) defended Ronald Reagan’s visit to Mississippi. The letter said Reagan went there “because that was where the votes were cast, not because he was a racist”. It seems that Reagan was at least a little bit racist. I let Valley News readers decide for themselves.

As reported in the July 30, 2019 issue of The Atlantic, Reagan was recorded on the phone with President Richard Nixon in 1971. Reagan, who was then governor of California, was angry that some African nations had voted in the UN to recognize the People’s Republic of China. To quote, “Seeing those monkeys from these African countries – damn it, they’re still wearing shoes!”




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