Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ivey to call special session on prison construction

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is calling lawmakers for a special session later this month to vote on a prison construction plan that would use a portion of the state’s virus aid fund to kick off the construction of three new prisons.

In a letter to lawmakers announcing the special session, Ivey presented the construction project as a partial solution to the state’s longstanding prison problems – including a Justice Department lawsuit for violence and a separate federal court order to improve mental health behind bars.

“We urgently need to address the longstanding challenges facing the prison infrastructure in Alabama,” Ivey wrote to lawmakers. “Failure to resolve these issues outlined in federal lawsuits in a timely manner could have detrimental consequences for our state. Finding a solution to these problems in Alabama is of the utmost importance – not a federal court-ordered solution. “

While advocates said the construction was a partial solution to the state’s longstanding prison problems, one lawmaker said it would “move old problems into new buildings” unless the state makes additional reforms.

“Building prisons on your own without engaging in major criminal justice reform is the definition of kicking the can on the street,” said Chris England MP, D-Tuscaloosa. Regarding the use of federal viral funds for the project, England said there was “obviously better use of the money”.

Ivey said the special session would begin on September 27th

The proposal envisages three new prisons – at least one 4,000-bed prison in Elmore County with more space for medical and psychiatric care; another prison with at least 4,000 beds in Escambia County; and a women’s prison – as well as renovations of existing facilities. The projects would be phased and funded in part with $ 400 million from the state’s $ 2.2 billion stake in the American Rescue Plan, said a key lawmaker who drafted the proposal.

“Right now it looks like we have the votes, but you never know until you get into session,” said Steve Clouse, Republican MP, who sponsors the legislation.

Clouse said the design was a “piece of the puzzle” in repairing the prison system and said this could be a pivotal moment for lawmakers.

Tapping into some of the state’s virus relief funds will allow the state to start cashing immediately instead of waiting for a bond issue, Clouse said.

Much is at stake – without action on this matter, the federal government could take control of our prison system at high cost to Alabama taxpayers and could even lead to the forced release of prisoners. It is time to finally resolve this problem for the people of Alabama, “Senate President Pro Tempore Greg Reed said in a statement.

The US Department of Justice has sued Alabama over conditions in the state’s prisons for failing to protect male inmates from violence and excessive violence by prison staff. The American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama said the Justice Department was concerned about more than just buildings.

“Buildings alone will NOT address the DOJ’s concerns. We need real leaders to do that, ”the Alabama ACLU wrote in a tweet.


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