Saturday, September 18, 2021

How CBD Can Fix Your Sleep Schedule

People have long used cannabis medicinally and as a recreational activity. Compounds called cannabinoids are primarily responsible for the effects of cannabis. And two of the most common are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The effects of THC and CBD on the brain are different, but both are psychoactive. Unlike THC, CBD is not harmful.

There are many reasons for using CBD, including reducing seizures, anxiety, and pain. Studies suggest that CBD can also be helpful as a sleep aid. Certain types of sleepers either have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. On average, more than half of Americans report feeling sleepy between three and seven days a week.

You can avoid sleep debt and improve your sleep by using a variety of solutions. Some approaches to treating insomnia include improving sleep hygiene, taking prescription sleeping pills, and using natural sleeping pills. Our article explores how CBD can improve your sleep schedule.

Sleep: How does CBD help?

Photo by Tree of Life Seeds from Pexels

We need to view the endocannabinoid system as critical to understanding how CBD plays a role in sleep. Only recently have researchers discovered how the ECS controls body functions and supports homeostasis. It works by interacting with various cannabinoids in our body. And we can think that every cannabinoid is a “key” that hangs on the “locks” of our cannabinoid receptors.

Instead of increasing melatonin (the sleep hormone) production, CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptor and creates a general feeling of relaxation. While melatonin may be great for those who need a little help getting to sleep every now and then, it won’t fix any issues that are preventing people from falling asleep or staying asleep – like an imbalanced endocannabinoid system.

How Can CBD Oil Help Improve Your Sleep Schedule?

Photo by Oliver King from Pexels

There is research showing that cannabis oil relieves insomnia by treating its causes, such as:

It does this by interacting with neurotransmitters in the brain to help relax the body. To ensure that CBD works for a user, one must always seek medical advice.

How CBD Helps Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stress or stress-related conditions are often responsible for insomnia. If you suffer from insomnia, your cortisol levels could be higher at night because cortisol levels – the stress hormone at night – are elevated. Switching off and falling asleep can be difficult in this case.

Using CBD reduces cortisol levels in the body of cheaper CBD vape juice by activating your endocannabinoid system. This will reduce the chances of insomnia caused by stress. Research has shown that CBD can reduce anxiety and improve sleep. It was found that these effects only lasted for a short time, and then participants reported that their sleep worsened again. Hence, CBD can work in the short term, but it is unlikely to be a long-term solution.

How CBD helps regulate pain

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Physical pain can also lead to insomnia. Meanwhile, CBD can help relieve pain by relaxing tight muscles and reducing inflammation. According to experts, CBD oil can help with pain relief. This is where you might benefit from taking CBD oil if you have physical pain that causes insomnia.

Does CBD Promote Sleep Quality?

CBD for sleep works with your body to reduce stress hormones so you can relax and sleep deeper. CBD oil can help you fall asleep faster, whether you have insomnia or other sleep disorders. It can prevent your mind from being distracted by external things such as loud noises or bright lights.

What is the Recommended Amount of CBD Oil for Sleep?

Because CBD oil products vary, people sleep differently, and there are different cannabinoid receptors in other people, there is no definite dose. It may be best to start with one drop a night to find your optimal dosage. It can help to take the exact dose every night until you find your sweet spot, but if it doesn’t, you can increase it slightly each night until it does.

If you feel uncomfortable on 15 mg, start with 5 mg and increase when you feel comfortable.

How to take CBD to restore your natural sleep cycle

Vaping – medical marijuana or smoking CBD are some ways you can use CBD. There are also creams and ointments that you can apply topically with CBD as well. Because of the skin’s resistance barrier, topical CBD applications have little effect on restoring the sleep cycle. When we vape or smoke CBD, we feel the results quickly, but it wears off faster and it is sometimes difficult to gauge the most effective dosage.

We recommend that easy-to-take capsules with precisely-dosed 15 mg CBD doses, taken regularly 30-60 minutes before bedtime, are the best way to promote a regular sleep-wake cycle.

More tips to improve your sleep schedule

  • CBD may not be suitable for everyone. There are other methods that can help you sleep better. You can also try some of the following tips to get a good night’s sleep:
  • Your bedroom should be calm, cool, and calm
  • Take time to relax before bed
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed
  • Exercise regularly during the day to tire yourself
  • Before bed, relax your mind by reducing your daily stress levels
  • Relax with soothing essential oils

Final thoughts

The use of CBD for sleeping is becoming increasingly popular. CBD acts as a powerful calming and relaxing agent – useful for relieving sleep deprivation. Cannabinoids and terpenes found in CBD oil aid sleep by increasing the effects of CBD.


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