Monday, September 20, 2021

The Events That Make Up Olympic Weightlifting Competition

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The various sports that make up the Olympics are generally impressive, but if you spend a lot of time on the barbell rack, you are likely to find the weightlifting events quite addicting. Watching athletes from around the world lift enough iron over their heads to bend a 1.1-inch-thick stainless steel bar – a load often more than three times their body weight – is breathtaking. Discipline is the epitome of explosive strength and power, and if you follow the guidance of these incredible competitors in your training plan, you can build a remarkable level of athletic skill.

However, in less specialized training rooms, there is some confusion about what actually an Olympic weightlifting is. There are two official Olympic lifts: the snatch and the clean and jerk. You’ve probably heard the names of other “Olympic” lifts that have been beaten around the gym (or Oly lifts, as they are often shortened to especially in CrossFit boxes), including the Power Snatch and Power Clean. That is not completely right. Although the above exercises are strong muscle builders, they are not practiced in prestigious international competition – and therefore technically not Olympic lifting exercises.

The goal of the tear is to raise the bar above the ground in one continuous motion. The lifter usually accomplishes this by first dropping under the bar in a squat and then moving to a standing position. In the clean and jerk, the athlete first lifts the bar from the floor to the shoulders (clean) and then pushes it over the head (jerk).

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Both exercises are very technical and not for beginners – in fact, we do not recommend attempting any of the exercises without personal coaching. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate Olympic-style movements into your exercise regimen. No matter how much lifting experience you have or your fitness level, there are many “Oly” variations that can help you meet your strength and performance goals.

Your movement: Real Olympic weightlifting exercises usually require a special platform made of wood and rubber that allows the athlete to lower the weight from above without sending the loaded barbell through the floor. You also need competition weight plates – or at least bumpers, in an emergency – to do the exercises safely.

But if your gym doesn’t have platforms and the right kind of plates – or if you don’t feel ready to try the snatch or clean and jerk – you can instead do other Olympic lifts that will help you build the. help equal explosive power. You will also master the movement patterns with which you can perform the Olympic full versions.

Trevor Thieme is a Los Angeles-based author and strength trainer and a former fitness editor at Men’s Health.

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