Monday, September 20, 2021

Life’s journey leads veteran, SoPA alum Chris Cox to New Orleans, Tulane

Chris Cox, a 23 year old marine veteran, came to New Orleans in 2010 and never left. As a new SoPA graduate, Cox gives back to his alma mater by assisting military veterans in Tulane’s student body as the commander of a local VFW post. (Photo by Rusty Costanza)

Chris Cox garnered numerous titles, zip codes, and even bylines during his 23 years of service with the United States Marine Corps, but a New Orleans deployment towards the end of his career proved too much for the Master Sergeant when it came time to take him to overcome leave.

In 2010, Cox was the head of the 3rd Navy’s Public Affairs Division based in Okinawa, Japan. That year he stood for a promotion and was given the choice of Honolulu or New Orleans.

“I’ve never been to New Orleans or knew nothing about it except what everyone outside of our little bladder is hearing,” said Cox. “I thought I could help the Marine Forces Reserve in New Orleans from a public relations perspective. I wanted to go there and see if I could do them something good. “

“My goal as the commander of the NOLA VFW post is to support the men and women who have already done a lot for our country and are just trying to improve and to be well adapted and successful.”

– Chris Cox, SoPA graduate and commanding officer of the Alfred E. Flynn Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8973

Fast forward to 2014 and Cox was ready for promotion again, but there were no options this time. His new role would be the Pentagon in Washington, DC

“I didn’t want to leave New Orleans, so I filed my annuities right away. That’s how I stayed in NOLA. That same year, I enrolled in the Tulane School of Professional Advancement (SoPA) and started with a bachelor’s degree in public relations and emergency management. I graduated with a double major in 2018, ”said Cox.

Cox joined the Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center in New Orleans in 2014 to pursue his career in public affairs. Four years later, he was promoted to his current position as a strategic communications specialist in the VA’s Office of Community Care.

Cox recently added another title to his résumé that is dear to his heart. On June 1, 2021, Cox began his year-long tenure as commandant of the Alfred E. Flynn Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8973 in the Uptown neighborhood of New Orleans.

“Veterans come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and the VFW is no source for anything other than providing answers to our veterans’ questions. It is a source of knowledge and experience for people who have been through what many of these younger service members who are just getting out are going through. Its basic purpose is to be the place veterans seek or seek answers to common problems, “said Cox.

While Cox was studying at Tulane, his SoPA advisor was Michael Wallace, director of Tulane’s Emergency and Safety Study Program and a Navy veteran. Cox and Wallace have teamed up to support Tulane’s growing number of military veterans in the student body.

“I’ve known Mike Wallace for years and through the VA I work with him to provide resources and support to veterans on campus. Veterans have been responsible for millions of dollars in equipment, their lives, and the lives of those around them. However, it can be a challenge for some veterans to connect and mingle with some of the younger students. My goal as the commander of the NOLA VFW post is to support the men and women who have already done a lot for our country and are just trying to improve and be well adjusted and successful, ”said Cox.

“Chris embodies the seniors’ ethos of taking care of others before themselves. Whether it’s Marines, VA staff and patients, veterans and student veterans, he’s always there to help and give 110 percent. I’m very proud of him as Tulane alum, this year’s VFW Post Commander and friend, ”said Wallace.

Cox has spent much of his life serving others, including a president. Cox was born in Houston, Texas, grew up in Olympia, Washington, and briefly attended North Idaho College on an athletics and cross-country scholarship. During his college years, he had several part-time jobs including a weekend radio disc jockey appearance at KCDA in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. This job proved to be a crucial factor for Cox.

When Cox joined the Marine Corps in 1990, a recruiter noted Cox’s athleticism and experience as a “radio guy” and encouraged Cox to pursue a career in public affairs and eventually become a writer. His stories have been published in the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Men’s Health, and Soldier of Fortune magazines. Since 1991 he has been writing for the federal government as a public affairs staff. Cox’s public affairs experience enabled him to practice his craft alongside military personnel and diplomats from 20 different nations.

“I joined the Marines during Desert Storm and did boot camp five days after Desert Storm ended. I thought I had missed my chance to do great things for a nation. But 23 years later, I’ve got a whole bunch of things I’ve done, ”said Cox.

Cox has coordinated numerous events throughout his career, including the gold medal ceremonies of Congress and the first 24 hours of President Gerald Ford’s state funeral in 2006.

“I was a Gunnery Sergeant and Public Affairs Director when President Ford died at his California home. We received a call saying the president had just died and we needed to activate the shared information office that oversees communication and media needs for the president’s funeral. I had seven Marines in my group, and we certified media from around the world and set up the media platform outside the church in Cathedral City, California, where President Ford would be during the mourning period. I haven’t slept in 24 hours. The Ford family then contacted me personally and wrote a letter to thank me for my efforts, ”said Cox.

Cox said that living in New Orleans and being part of the Tulane family influenced his life just as much as life as a Marine. Living in a community where mutual support, respect and service are part of everyday life is a unique and special experience – one that he considers to be his happiest break.


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