Thursday, September 16, 2021

Olympic Swimmer Caeleb Dressel Shares His Power Building Workout

Caeleb Dressel, one of the most successful swimmers in US history, is not just a beast in the pool. The 2020 Olympic standout – he became the fifth swimmer to win five gold medals in a single game in Tokyo earlier this summer – trains hard in the weight room to improve the explosive power he needs to be elite.

One of the fastest men to ever reach the water, Dressel currently holds multiple world, Olympic and American records, and his training on land is an integral part of his success. This is all very carefully calibrated, especially with regard to his training to develop strength. “Everything I do in the gym makes me a better swimmer,” says Dressel. “My exercise routine is designed to develop and maintain explosive power outside of the block, so it mostly includes cleans, power cleans, jerks, and snatches. I usually end my power days with a few box jumps and medicine ball throws to build my burst too. ”

Courtesy of NOBULL

The swimmer puts up more than respectable numbers for such a specialized athlete in the gym, especially given his height (6’3 ”, 194 pounds). He can snap at 198 pounds, just over his body weight. His maximum squat is 385 pounds.

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But while the training is specifically geared towards paying off in the pool, Dressel keeps the structure of the program loose. “I really don’t have a set schedule, which is nice,” he said. “My trainer and I mostly choose workouts that we think are right for the day, although I always make sure to do a lot of foam rolling, shoulder preparation, and core training.”

That feeling of freedom was all the more important when Dressel faced the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, which delayed the Olympics and forced him to relocate his workouts to a makeshift garage gym. To make the most of the time, Dressel was very picky and took notes to keep getting better from session to session.


Courtesy of NOBULL

For Dressel, the workouts are more than just preparation for the pool. He makes the gym a special place where he can focus on himself without the specific pressures that come from a high level competitor. “Strength training is an important part of any athlete’s exercise regimen, but it’s almost become like a haven for me,” he says. “Of course it helps me develop the lead I need in the race and it’s a nice change from my work in the pool, but it’s also an opportunity to improve mentally and physically. In the gym, you get what you put in. There is no room for excuses, for shortcuts or half-effort. “

Check out this typical workout that Dressel uses to improve strength in the weight room. This is a very specific type of workout designed for a high level explosive athlete looking to increase their performance. You may not literally want to follow it yourself – but this gives a good insight into what it takes to train to be the best.

Caeleb Dressel’s strength training

3 sets of 5 reps

5, 5, 3, 3, 3

5, 5, 3, 3, 3

5 sets of 3 reps

  • Box jump backwards overhead med ball throw

10 rounds

5 sets of 10 reps

8 rounds of 20 meters

Brett Williams, fitness editor at Men’s Health, is a NASM CPT certified trainer and former professional football player and tech reporter who divides his exercise time between strength and conditioning training, martial arts, and running.

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