Thursday, September 16, 2021

Dear pro-birthers, a woman isn’t an incubator

Once again, men decide what women should do with their bodies when they don’t have a uterus.

With the new Texas abortion law by Greg Abbott, which bans abortions after six weeks, women’s reproductive rights are threatened again. The law went into effect on September 1st and concluded that once a fetus was found to have a heartbeat, an abortion could no longer be done.

Most women don’t experience pregnancy symptoms until the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy, or confuse them with period symptoms because they are very similar and only find out later. By then, it will be too late for an abortion in Texas.

Abortion has always been a hot topic and once again it seems like we are taking one step forward and many steps back.

The US judgment Roe v. Wade states that in the first trimester of pregnancy the state cannot regulate the abortion decision, in the second trimester the state can enact abortion regulations that are reasonably related to the health of the mother, and in the third trimester once the fetus has reached the point of “viability “A state can regulate or prohibit abortion altogether.

The Roe v. Wade was also in Texas about abortion laws in 1973, you’d think they learned their lesson the first time, but instead they found a loophole.

They use civil suits to prosecute women who want or have abortions. The reasoning for the pro-life movement to be fine, but are they really pro-life or pro-birth?

Pro-lifers believe abortion is morally and religiously wrong and support the prohibition or restriction of abortion.

There are people who are hostile to themselves but who believe that women should have the right to choose what is right for them. However, they also believe that there should be restrictions on when you can have an abortion.

According to the NPR / PBS Newshour / Marist Poll, three-quarters of Americans say they prefer the court to uphold Roe versus Wade.

The poll also shows that 72 percent of Americans want some kind of restriction on abortion but don’t completely ban it.

The main problem is that all pro-lifers are portrayed as people who don’t want women to choose at all, but these are pro-births.

Someone who advocates childbirth only cares for the fetus until it is born and becomes a baby. They claim to look after the children and protect them in their mother, but once they are out in the world they forget about them.

They believe that if the baby is stillborn or has life-threatening birth defects, even if the mother is in danger of continuing the pregnancy, a woman should give birth. This is dangerous for women who may not be able to carry a child to term.

They claim to be hostile to life, but only want to regulate what a woman is allowed to do with her womb.

They will argue for the rights of a fetus but ignore the foster children and the poor children who are starving in the country, claiming it is not their fault that they are not their parents and cannot help them and on the government Look down who the taxpayers used money to them.

If you are truly for life you would take care of the children who breathe, live and eat on their own without deflating and depend on their mother’s body for their survival as a parasite depends on its host.

Women do not make the decision to have an abortion lightly, even though it is not a birth, there is still trauma the body goes through and psychological trauma as well.

The United States needs to take notes from other countries, such as Mexico.

Mexico is a conservative Catholic country where it is unconstitutional to criminalize abortion. The reasons for the passage of the law stem from the tragedy across the country. Women led to miscarriages and clandestine abortions that resulted in death.

Abortion laws have nothing to do with religion. Mexico is proof that around 80% of the population in Mexico consider themselves Catholic.

Women and anyone who helped them get an abortion under Texas law could risk facing charges and serving a prison term. Discouraging for victims of sexual assault and minors.

A victim of sexual assault would lack compassion for keeping an unwanted pregnancy. A child shouldn’t have to carry this fetus to term either, it’s dangerous.

The most recent reported birth in the United States was to a 5 year old. She needed a caesarean section because her pelvis was too small.

The complications associated with teenage pregnancy are numerous. A child could be born light and the mother could experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth. There are also a number of health issues related to perinatal outcomes and an increased risk of perinatal death. A teenage mother is likely to develop anemia, low blood pressure, and premature birth.

Abortions are performed to protect women. Protecting the life of an unborn person should not take precedence over the person carrying it to term. It is also up to the woman to decide whether or not to have an abortion, it is a right that should not be taken from her.

The argument about whether an abortion should be legal is not about pro-life or pro-choice, it is an important decision where the government should not have complete control over a woman’s reproductive rights.

The government’s responsibility is to provide help, protection and support to its citizens and not to persecute them for medical care.


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