Friday, September 17, 2021

How much protein is too much?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that is necessary for growth and maintenance. Foods that are high in animal protein are meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy products, and plant foods that are high in protein are primarily beans, nuts, and grains. The current Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 g protein / kg body weight / day for adults (1.5 g protein / kg body weight / day for children and 1.0 g protein / kg body weight / day for adolescents).

The dietary supplement industry is vigorously promoting high protein diets (defined as an intake above the current RDA), and many athletes consider them to be the established standard for building muscle and / or reducing body fat. On the other hand, some scientists claim that the excessive use of Protein supplements or a high protein diet can lead to health problems.

So let’s analyze the pros and cons of the same. Dietary protein intake should provide essential amino acids that the body cannot make on its own. Adequate protein intake is particularly important in childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding and old age. In adulthood, it is necessary to maintain the daily protein losses that occur during daily activity.

Hence, it is necessary to consume enough protein to avoid malnutrition in old age. It is also important to maintain muscle mass and strength. Over the past few years, some people have advocated a high protein diet to speed up the pace metabolism and promote weight loss, although success in this area varies widely.

How Much Protein is Too Much?

* The ideal amount of protein that should be consumed every day is a bit unsafe. The frequently cited recommendation is 56 grams per day for men and 46 grams per day for women. You can get 46 grams of protein per day in a 4-ounce serving of low-fat Greek yogurt, a serving of lean chicken breasts, and a bowl of skimmed-milk cereal.

* The recommended daily allowance (RDA) based on weight is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. For a 140 pound person, you need 51 grams of protein a day. (You can convert your weight from pounds to kilograms by dividing by 2.2 so that 140 pounds is 64 kilograms; multiplying by 0.8 gives 51.) Active people, especially those looking to build muscle, may need more .

Eating a high protein diet can affect people with pre-existing kidney disease. (Source: Getty Images / Thinkstock)

* Calorie-based Proportion: For an active adult, about 10 percent of calories should come from protein.

* Pay more attention to the type of protein in the diet than the amount. For example, reduce red meat and increase it salmon, Yogurt or bean intake.

protein Usually used by the body to repair and build muscles, organs and bones. However, if too much protein is consumed, it can be stored in the body as fat and lead to obesity. A high protein diet with carbohydrate restrictions is typically low in fiber, which can lead to constipation. Eating high amounts of protein from meat, fish, and poultry can lead to diarrhea. Excess nitrogen is excreted from the body in the urine, which can lead to dehydration even if you feel less thirsty than usual.

Eating a high protein diet can affect people with pre-existing kidney disease. This is because the main function of the kidney is to expel excess nitrogen from the body, which is the waste product of protein metabolism. When the kidneys are not working well, they are pressured to excrete waste, which leads to kidney damage. High protein intake in the form of red meat can also lead to heart disease, as these foods are high in cholesterol in addition to being high in protein. Red meat is usually deep-fried and eaten, resulting in higher fats, bad cholesterol, and carbohydrates, leading to heart disease. In addition, red meat also contains bad bacteria that alter the gut microbes, resulting in toxicity in the blood and poorer heart health.

So choose your protein wisely, based on your body’s needs. Always consult a qualified nutritionist before determining your body’s protein needs.

The author is the co-founder and senior nutritionist of Diet Insight

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