Friday, February 25, 2022

Mississippi 1 of 25 states where reproductive health, rights in peril

Mississippi gets a failing grade for its reproductive health and rights, according to a recent report by the Population Institute.

The organization’s 50 State Report Card on Reproductive Health and Rights tracks states’ reproductive health and rights, including prevention, affordability and access to family planning, sex education and abortion services. Mississippi is one of 24 other states making failing marks and scored 16 points out of 100 possible.

If schools posted grades this low, they would risk closure, said Kathleen Mogelgaard, Population Institute president.

“The US has been underachieving on reproductive health and rights for a decade, and now a majority of states are out-and-out failing,” Mogelgaard said. “This report card shows a need to reprioritize reproductive health and rights at the highest levels of federal and state governments.”

Population Institute’s report comes as a Mississippi abortion court case, challenging the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, awaits a US Supreme Court ruling later this year. The Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case centers on viability, intending to uphold a state law making abortion illegal after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

‘Even if we win, we lose’:Abortion access in Miss. already limited without Roe challenge

Legal and policy experts and abortion advocates say the case could be the proverbial match to the tinderbox that is abortion access and reproductive health in Mississippi, potentially overturning Roe v. Calf.

If the conservatively stacked court sides with the state it would further restrict abortion access in Mississippi, a place where, according to the institute’s report, 91% of women live in a county without an abortion provider.

For over a decade, Jackson Women’s Health Organization has stood as Mississippi’s lone abortion clinic. It currently provides the abortion pill up to 11 weeks and surgical abortions up to 16 weeks.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, Jennie Wetter, the Population Institute’s director of public policy and author of the report card, said the impact would be devastating and unequally distributed.

“Those with resources will be able to travel to access the care they need. Those without won’t be able to exercise their reproductive rights,” Wetter said. “That loss of rights will be disproportionately felt by Black and brown people, people with low incomes, young people, people with disabilities and the LGBTQ+ community.”

Among other restrictions, Mississippi State law requires a 24-hour waiting period between counseling and the abortion procedure, a mandatory ultrasound, and telemedicine to administer medication abortion is prohibited, according to the Guttmacher Institute. State law only allows insurance to cover abortion in cases of life endangerment, rape or incest.

Alongside stringent reproductive rights access, Mississippi’s prevention and health care access fail its residents, the Population Institute said.

When it comes to prevention, Mississippi has unfunded mandated sex education. However, its opt-in policy, meaning parents/guardians have to sign-off for their child to receive the education, means many teens go without the teaching.

Experts say the state’s abstinence-based sex education also has poor oversight.

read more:Experts say Mississippi’s abstinence-based sex ed is failing teens, second-highest teen birth rate

A University of Georgia study showed abstinence education does not lead to abstinence. It can have the opposite effect. Teens in states with a focus on abstinence education were more likely to become pregnant, the study revealed.

Mississippi has the nation’s second-highest teen birth rate.

When unwanted pregnancies are carried through, health care access can be hard to come by. Because the Magnolia State has not expanded Medicaid, maternal and reproductive health care services are not as widely accessible compared to states that have expanded their Medicaid programs, the report showed.

According to America’s Health Rankings, which composites data from state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mississippi ranks 50th for women, infant and children’s health.

Where did Mississippi get points in the Population Institute’s report?

It offers Medicaid expansions to cover family planning services for people who otherwise do not qualify for the government program. Mississippi also authorizes clinical nurse specialists to dispense medications including birth control and sexually transmitted infection treatment.

Have a health story? Or a health-related tip? Send it along to, on Twitter at @HaselhorstSarah or call 601-331-9307.


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