Wednesday, September 22, 2021

House approves cannabis banking (again, in military bill this time) (Newsletter: September 22, 2021)

Amazon Expands Marijuana Protection; CA State Fair Hosts Cannabis Contest; Sales Forecasts for Legalization in New York; Fmr GOP rep on the benefits of psilocybin

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the House of Representatives approved an amendment to marijuana banking to the National Defense Authorization Act – with one vote, and no member moved by name. Earlier on Tuesday that House Rules Committee approved the soil account measure, but the panel blocked separate amendments to expand research on the benefits of psychedelics for active service members of the military and to protect veterans from being denied home loans for working in the cannabis industry.

Amazon reiterated its support for the legalization of marijuana, saying it would restore eligibility to employees and applicants previously fined for positive cannabis tests. Strangely, however, the company claimed in a letter to the senators that it had no opinion on marijuana “regulation, licensing, taxation and interstate trade.”

the California State Fair & Expo will host a one-of-a-kind, state-sanctioned cannabis competition and awards ceremony at the event next year.

New York’s budget director A new quarterly fiscal update predicts that growing marijuana revenues will help offset a sustained drop in taxes on cigarette sales.

Former MP Mimi Walters (R-CA) told the story of a family friend who treated alcoholism with psilocybin therapy.

  • “When he first got the treatment, he lost all alcohol cravings. This happened about six years ago, and he has had no desire since. “


A Federal judge sentenced a former Fall River, Massachusetts mayor who was sentenced to six years in prison for extorting marijuana companies.

the White House National Drug Control Policy Office announced $ 13.2 million in grants to 106 programs to support drug-free communities across the country.

the of the US Department of Agriculture The Risk Management Agency tweeted, “A pilot hemp insurance program, available in select countries through Multi-Peril Crop Insurance, provides coverage against loss of income due to insurable causes of loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain or CBD oil.

Representative Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) visited a hemp processing plant.

Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) tweeted that the World Anti-Doping Agency’s move to reconsider the banned status of marijuana for athletes “is real advancement for real people. Grateful to my colleague Rep. @ Bonnie4Congres for shedding light on this injustice together. “

Candidate for the Democratic Senate of Pennsylvania John Fetterman, currently the state’s lieutenant governor, tweeted about the growth potential of psilocybin treatment.


Delaware Governor John Carney (D) signed a law that allows police to refer teenagers caught with marijuana to counseling, treatment or other intervention services instead of paying fines.

A New Jersey The senator spoke about why his law to legalize home-growing marijuana has stalled.

Connecticuts The judiciary is warning people that marijuana is not allowed in courthouses.

Oklahoma Regulators have submitted permanent changes to the medical cannabis regulations.

Louisiana Regulators proposed changes to hemp regulations.

Vermont Regulators are preparing to publish a report with marijuana recommendations for lawmakers.

Connecticut Regulators released updated statistics on medical cannabis patients and registered doctors.

Florida The hemp advisory committee meets on Thursday.

the Nevada The Cannabis Public Safety Advisory Subcommittee meets on Friday.

Michigan Regulators become a public Hear on the proposed changes to marijuana rules on Monday.

Marijuana Moment pursues more than 1,200 cannabis, psychedelics, and drug bills in state legislatures and in Congress this year. Patreon backers who have pledged at least $ 25 per month will have access to our interactive maps, charts, and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.

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the Rapid City, South Dakota The city council approved the medical cannabis business rules.

Denver, Colorado will host a Marijuana Social Equity Resource Fair on October 16th.


Philippines In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Rodrigo Duterte warned the international community not to interfere in his country’s bloody “drug war”.

Paraguay Officials recalled the need to register and update medical cannabis business information.


A study on hemp found that “CBD yield and rate of decarboxylation were significantly affected by Drying conditions“And that” the terpene content and the profile in the hemp changed with the drying conditions “.

One study concluded that “psilocybin has quick, sizeable, long-term” effects antidepressant effect for primary (patients with severe depression) and secondary depressive disorder (patients with depressive cancer). “


Conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly said the government should be broadcasting public service announcements about the harm from marijuana, and he offers to play in them for free.

Founder of the Drug Policy Alliance, Ethan Nadelmann signed as a cannabis advisor to PKF O’Connor Davies, LLP.

the Cannabis Freedom Alliance published a white paper on social justice programs for marijuana.

the Transform Drug Policy Foundation hires a new CEO.


FSD Pharma Inc. completed the acquisition of Lucid Psycheceuticals Inc.

Blue Tree LLC California regulators are reportedly investigating possible illegal marijuana smuggling.


Seth Rogen talked about how his passion for cannabis drives his work with his brand Houseplant.

The onion joked that marijuana “is one of the most important treatments for livelihood”.

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